Chapter 458 The mother and daughter fell down stairs

They took the elevator to the fifth floor. After going out of the elevator, Jaida saw the bathroom. She looked at Gia and said, "Gia, wait here for grandma here. I will go to the bathroom first. I'll be back soon."

"Alright!" Giada nodded and began to look around.

She didn't have many memories in the hospital. The smell of disinfectant was not good.

Eden walked to Aisling. Before she said anything, Aisling suddenly raised her hand and slapped Eden hard on her face.

The sound was loud. 

Giada also heard the loud slapping sound.

She looked in the direction of the corridor in confusion, only to see her mother being slapped.

Her heart missed a beat. Was the person who was slapped her mother?

Giada was about to walk over when she saw Aisling slapping on Eden's face again.

Giada's pupils constricted violently as she ran over at high speed.