Chapter 465 Speak Your Mind

Jaida curled her lips and smiled, looking at her outstanding son in front. All the bitterness these years had finally come to an end.

She grinned, "Later, I'll call Graciella and tell her everything."

"Good! Graciella will be very happy." Victor knew that his sister also missed her mother very much, and she had always wanted to come back.

Knowing that her mother was back, Graciella would definitely return.

Jaida looked at the people coming and going in the distance and said, "Victor, after this matter is over, you should confess to Eden. After all, it is not good to keep the truth from her..."

Before Jaida could finish his words, she suddenly pulled his son to the side.

Victor looked up and frowned slightly. They went behind the artificial rockery in the garden and stood quietly.

The people walking towards them were Rebecca and Haven.

"Haven, aren't you aware of your pregnancy?" Rebecca's sharp voice sounded.

"Mom, I've been too busy these days, and I..." Haven hesitated.