Chapter 478 Acting Cutesy

Wyatt smiled, and his tone was kind. "What a coincidence! I've brought What Eden likes to eat. Eden, eat more."

After that, he glanced at Victor.

Victor looked at him calmly, but he felt guilty in his heart.

But he couldn't afford to gamble. Haven had the intention to kill Eden!

No matter what, he had to protect her.

Wyatt took a deep look at Victor.

"Thank you!" Eden lowered her head.

Wyatt smiled and turned around. He put the porridge he brought into three bowls and placed them on the table.

Then, he looked at Eden and smiled. "Eden, Gia, Victor, have breakfast first."

Giada took a whiff of the aroma and smiled happily. "Grandpa, thank you. I'm really hungry. But my grandma will also bring us breakfast. Mom, hurry up and call grandma. Tell her she doesn't have to busy herself early in the morning."

Eden agreed with her.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jaida.

Then, she looked at Wyatt and thanked him again sincerely, "Mr. Clement, thank you!"