Chapter 486 Off you go

Victor looked at his son's eyes and found them similar to his. No wonder they were father and son.

Eden led Victor to the third floor.

She guided Victor directly to the room next door to hers.

The two rooms on the third floor were bigger than those on the first floor and the second floor.

But its decoration was simple with only a bed, a desk, and a wardrobe.

There were bathrooms attached to the room. It was comfortable enough for a person to live in.

Eden looked at the two big suitcases in Victor's hands and slightly pouted. It seemed that he really intended to start living here.

She said, "Victor, you can unpack the luggages first. I'll help with cleaning."

Victor looked at her face. She looked neither happy nor angry. He smiled and asked, "Eden, do you still not prefer me to move in? I come after you agreed. Since you've agreed, don't be unhappy."

Eden looked at him calmly and asked, "Do I look unhappy?" Even if she was not happy, he would not move back.