Chapter 491 Is It Really Necessary?

Eden looked at him and said, "Victor, Do I have to do this?"

On Victor's gorgeous face, there was a slight smile. "Come on!"

He spoked as he tossed the cotton candy into her mouth.

Eden looked at him dazedly. The man's bright black eyes were filled with anticipation as he looked at her.

Under his expectant gaze, she lowered her head unexpectedly and took a bite.

It melted in her mouth right away but was not very sweet. She felt the candy not as delicious as the one she had eaten when she had been a child.

Victor watched her eat. Her long eyelashes covered the light in her eyes, and she still looked like the little girl in his memory.

He lowered his head and began to bite from his side.

Just like that, the two of them ate, not saying a word.

Sweetness spread in their hearts.

Victor was very happy. Since Eden had come back, he had been feeling so sweet as if he were immersed in honey.