Chapter 510 You Have No Brains

Delmont looked at his father helplessly. "Dad, Eden hasn't woken up yet. When she wakes up, I will apologize."

Wyatt got angrier at the mention of this matter. How did he raise such a son?

He looked gloomy. "It's your mother's fault for spoiling you. When you were young, she felt distressed if you merely grazed your skin a little. You are a pampered boy."

Delmont was speechless. "Dad, what do you mean by 'pampered boy'? Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at me? I'm a seven-foot-tall man!"

"Yes, I'm not afraid!" Wyatt glared at him. "Thank God your brother is not like you."

Delmont glanced at Buddy. Although they were brothers, they were two different people. How could they be the same?

His father had always wanted his children to be well-behaved and sensible.

How the hell could he satisfy him?

Buddy was always very calm and composed. As his big brother, Delmont felt very embarrassed. He simply couldn't be as steady as the Buddy. Everyone had their own merits.