Chapter 524 Are We Living Worse Than Others?

When Giada heard this, she blinked her big eyes and said, "Mom, I'm a patient. I need your greatest care." She had a look of self-righteousness on her face.

Eden was so angry that she almost spat out blood. There she went again, talking nonsense.

Jaida tipped Henrick a wink.

And he immediately understood the hint. Henrick stood up, put a piece of fish in Gia's bowl, and said, "This is your favorite braised fish!"

Giada burst into laughter, "Ricky, you're the best!"

Everyone, "..."

Victor smiled and said, "Sweetie, if you want your brother to get food for you, just say it out directly. Why did you provoke your mother?"

Giada was all smiles as she said, "Uncle Victor, you don't understand. It will be boring if I just say it out loud."

Henrick was speechless.

If Gia had said it directly, he could give her the whole plate of braised fish.

Aisling looked at the three of them, feeling that their way of getting along was very interesting.