Chapter 532 What Was Going On?

"What?" Zofia looked at Eden unbelievably. Eden was Buddy's younger sister?

Eden smiled and said, "Zofia, I did not expect things to go on like this. But I had decided no matter why my parents abandoned me, I wouldn't blame them. After all, my mother gave me life, so I forgave them."

After getting over the shock, Zofia also smiled, "Eden, you did the right thing. People should live with gratitude. No matter what our parents have done, they have given us lives."

Eden noticed her avoid the previous topic and gently took her hand, saying, "Buddy has always been unable to let you go. He came to me and wanted to see you..."

"Eden," Zofia interrupted her quickly, "I know you are doing this for my good, but that's all about Buddy and me. Please don't tell him I live in your house. When the child is born, I will find an apartment."

Hearing her refusal, Eden knew there should be no rush in this matter. It had taken Zofia a long time to forget the pain in her heart.