Chapter 543 You are a jerk

Vincent chuckled, "Adalynn, you don't understand. Go home."

Adalynn looked at his brother with unwillingness. "Vincent, do you think I am still a child?"

Vincent glanced at his sister. She was very docile and kind, but kindness couldn't solve all problems.

"Adalynn, how about I help you to study abroad?"

"No!" Adalynn refused without thinking.

"Vincent, I'm ready to get married. What's the point of studying abroad?"

Vincent chuckled, "Then whom do you want to marry?"

Adalynn smiled shyly and said, "What do you think of Anson?"

Hearing this, Vincent frowned slightly and looked at his sister seriously. "Adalynn, you don't really like Anson, do you?"

Adalynn asked in confusion, "Is there a problem?"

Hadn't she been in love with Anson all these years?

Even her father could tell.

Vincent shook his head slightly. Based on his understanding of Anson, he would never prefer a girl like Adalynn.