Chapter 550 Was it his fault for being so handsome?

Amelia joked, "Eden, I find you've had a lot of bad luck lately."

Eden didn't say anything.

She just smiled a little and also think so. Victor has offended many people in business over the years, and those people are annoyed that they can't get the goods on him.

And she was targeted at exactly this time.

Those people don't dare to target Victor, but they are able to set her up.

Another reason was that her achievement in the field of design was jealous by many designers, and it was a good opportunity to ruin her.

She smiled, "You're right. I'm a little unlucky." However, if the bad luck was brought about by Victor, she didn't feel unlucky anymore.

After all, she was touched to think that he had waited for her all these years and loved her with all his soul.

In Victor's office.

Anson, Lucian, and Adonis were all there.

Victor sat with a gloomy face and had an aura that looked scary.