Chapter 553 Darlene\'s nemesis

Aisling glanced at the closed door of Haven's room and felt regret.

She obviously raised her children with the same education. Why were her two sons kind and why did Haven turn out to be so bad?

Although her two sons were not the most outstanding compared to the children of other illustrious families, they were much better than those playboys.

They never flirted nor play with girls' affections casually. This had always been her pride.

Aisling sighed and felt helpless. She asked the driver to drive her to the company.

Now the company's affairs were in a mess, and she had no time to deal with other things.

As for Haven, she would supervise her in person.

Haven stood in front of the luxurious French window and watched Aisling away with a sneer on her face. Mom, you konw what? Even losing the Clement family, she had a better background now.

However, part of the Clement family's property still belonged to her.