Chapter 557 The similar fate in the movie

"Did I influence you?" Eden was a little incredulous.

She was raised to like strawberries. Was he the same?

Did he like strawberries because she liked them?

Victor looked at her with a sexy smile, "Eden, I didn't like strawberries when I was a kid, but once the strawberries were ripe for the season, you pulled me along every day to eat strawberries, and slowly I got used to it and liked it."

Eden was speechless.

Alright, she was at a loss for words.

Victor said again, "Eden, during these years, I have been looking for you, my only soul mate. I have long dreamed of how you will look like when you grow up, but I didn't expect you to be so beautiful when you grow up. The first time I saw you, although I was injured, but I knew I found you so I held on to you tightly and didn't let you go."

After Victor said that, there was a happy smile on his fine face, and he looked at the ethereal and beautiful girl in front of him with gentleness and deep affection.