Chapter 560 Birds Of A Feather

Tillie smiled, "We two have been fighting for so long, and it feels boring now. If our apprentices join the war, do you think it will be more interesting in the future? I'm really looking forward to it."

Darlene snapped, "This is between you and me. Don't drag Eden in. I don't care if you want to make use of Haven, but Eden is innocent."

Tillie sneered, "It's been so many years. How can you still be so naive? No wonder Anson chose me instead of you. Don't you know no one is innocent in this world? People only have their own interests at heart."

"Tillie, you..."

"Darlene, calm down. Getting angry will accelerate your aging. Don't forget we're in the fashion industry. Frankly speaking, you are too hot-tempered, and that's why Anson dislikes you. In front of men, women should be coquettish and gentle," Tillie said mockingly as if she had trampled Darlene into muds.

Hearing this, Darlene felt a strong feeling of sadness.

Tillie knew exactly how to upset her.