Chapter 568 I Am Also Your Daughter

Graciella complained, "Mom, I am also your daughter."

Jaida looked at her unhappy face and said, "I didn't say you're not my daughter."

Graciella was instantly lost for words. When had her mother learned to joke?

Graciella glanced at Zaiden. It must be because of love.

She laughed and said, "Uncle Zaiden, is my mother talkative when she is with you?"

Zaiden, who was reading a book, looked up at Graciella confusedly.

Graciella knew that he hadn't heard it clearly, so she repeated, "Uncle Zaiden, is my mother talkative when she is with you? When she was young, she used to be a quiet person."

Zaiden looked at Jaida with a gentle smile and said, "Your mother and I have known each other for many years. We tell one another everything."

As Zaiden spoke, he cast a tender look at Jaida again.

Jaida also looked at him, smiling. Before she had accepted Zaiden, they hadn't felt awkward getting along with each other either. Just like now, they had been talking and laughing.