Chapter 571 Someone You Cannot Offend

Eden didn't expect that she needed to make an appointment.

She said to the receptionist anxiously, "Can you please tell Mr. Calder that Eden Bleu is looking for him?"

He was the only one who could help the Clement family now. As long as the problem was sorted, she would definitely make it up for him in the future.

The other receptionist looked at Eden with disdain and said coldly, "I'm sorry, this is the rule. Everyone has to make an appointment to meet Mr. Calder."

"Can... can you just let me in for this time?" Eden looked at the two arrogant receptionists and a trace of displeasure flashed through her face.

She knew that ordinary people wouldn't come to such a place normally, so she could understand that even the receptionists here were like snobs.

So she said patiently, "Please can you pass the phone to me? I can explain to him myself. My phone is dead."

If her phone hadn't died, she wouldn't need to do this.