Chapter 574 Buying An Ice Cream Is Also Something Important

Zaiden and Dawson got back in the car and left quickly.

Zaiden closed the door very fast as he was obviously trying to protect Eden. Now it was not a good time for the public to know about her yet, and when the time came, he would definitely hold a press conference.

"Dad." Eden said.

Looking at her anxious face, Zaiden smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine now. Mrs. Clement is really not an expert in real estate, and it is much harder for someone who had not done anything with it before. Anyway, I have bought that piece of land, which has solved the problem for the Clement family for now."

Eden was totally shocked, "Have you bought it? I thought you just needed to invest in it!"

Zaiden smiled, "You will understand it in the future. I will send you back to your company now."

"Alright." Eden nodded and did not ask any further.