Chapter 578 To Insult Without Swearing

Hearing this, Tillie's smile faded slightly as if she suddenly thought of something. She said with embarrassment, "Oh, I'm sorry, Director Bleu. I totally forgot that you are a single mother. The guy I wanted to introduce to you is actually my relative who from a very rich and good family, they would hate me if I really introduced him to you."

Eden still looked at her with a calm smile. Tillie was wearing a white suit, making her look even more confident and elegant. 

Victor was so angry, but Eden indicated him not to say anything with her eyes. It was her own business and she could solve it herself.

Wyatt, Aisling, Anson, and Lucian all had extremely unpleasant looks on their faces at the moment.

Eden looked at Tillie's confident and beautiful face, thinking that she was indeed an expert who could insult her like this without even using a single swearing word. 

Upon hearing this, Haven felt much better.

Now that Eden must have nothing to say anymore.