Chapter 581 We Don\'t Want Any Ingrate Here

Eden also smiled. "Victor, am I really the only one you will marry?"

Victor nodded hurriedly. "Yes, you are the only one I will marry. Before I found you, I really thought that I would spend all my life on my own!"

Eden instantly could feel the heavy pressure on her shoulders.

In fact, she knew that Victor was a decent man, but she really didn't intend to get married.

She smiled and said, "Then let's wait a little longer. I just need time." This was exactly what she was thinking. 

Victor's expression went stiff slightly, and there was an unconcealable sadness flashed across his face. 

Did he still need to wait? How much longer would he have to wait? However, he had already waited for so many years, and it would make no difference for him to wait a little longer. 

It seemed that he was still not good enough to make her change her mind. 

"Okay, Eden. No matter how long it is, I will always wait for you." He said in a low but firm voice.