Chapter 589 Mad Man

All the men around her couldn't help but look at her and whisper into each other's ears.

Eden was probably not a stunning person at first sight, but the longer people stay with her, the more they would realize how gorgeous she was. Just like right now, her sweet and confident smile, plus what she had just done, made her look even more attractive.

Seeing all the men's eyes, Victor looked a little unhappy.

Vincent also watched everything. Looking at Victor who wanted to protect Eden so much, an evil smile appeared on his face. He took out his phone and quickly sent a message.

At the same time, Haven, who was standing not far away, also took out her phone quickly and sent a message.

Only the girl who was covered with juice all over her body took out her phone to check the information about her dress online. 

If it was not the latest design, she would really go crazy. She was surely not someone who would wear last season's clothes.