Chapter 609 Confront

Hearing the altisonant frame-up and seeing the crowd around them who were prepared to watch a big show, Eden understood the trick of the man. She was the "actress".

He had approached her on purpose in an attempt to ruin her reputation.

However, her reputation had been ruined and she didn't care about it anymore. Actually, now she felt happy because she did not retreat but broke the man's finger very hard. She was not as weak as her appearance.

The middle-aged man looked at Eden who was standing calmly without saying a word. He frowned slightly and felt the pain from his finger, which reminded him that the woman in front of him was not a lamb. He was a bit nervous. 

But he wouldn't give up easily. After all, his finger was hurt badly by her.

More and more people gathered. Eden was still standing there calmly, and her eyes on the man were cold.

She curled her lips and smiled innocently, "Well, why don't you tell people how I seduced you, sir?"