Chapter 614 She was Different Today

These days, he saw Victor, who had seldom laughed before, would always smile involuntarily.

Seeing Victor’s change, Buddy knew that Victor’s loved for Eden was done to the bone.

Only then did he reflect on himself, and he found that his love for Zofia was far from enough.

Eden smiled but did not say anything.

Buddy stood up and said, "Eden, let’s go back. I will talk to Mom after I back to the hotel. You are right. Zofia and I should get the blessing from family. I believe I can persuade Mom."

Eden also got up and said with a smile, "OK! As long as Mom agrees, you can pursue Zofia with all your strength! You will get her back and make her happy."

"Right." Buddy's lips curled up slightly. Fortunately, he chatted with Eden tonight, otherwise, he would do stupid things again.

Eden also smiled slightly. "Buddy, I'm leaving. Don't stay out too late and rest early."

Buddy nodded.

Then, Eden turned around and walked to the parking lot.