Chapter 619 I Want to Be Your Whole World

Victor did not stop. His grieved expression with his hands cupping his cheeks was very cute "This’s the truth, not an excuse."

Eden was speechless. She did not want to waste her precious time arguing with him about this.

Forget it, forget it. She persuaded herself. Victor always regarded her as his unique treasure and treated her very well. For this sake, she decided to be generous this time and pass him over.

She looked at him calmly, "I forgive you this time. But next time if..."

"Baby, we’re a couple. Definitely, there will be next time." Victor interrupted her with a playful smile. He must make it clear.

Unless they were not lovers, there will be another time. Moreover, except for him, she could not marry anyone. Even if she did not love him, he would keep her by his side. 

Eden, "..."

She looked straight at Victor's face, which seemed unpleasant to her now. Why was he so annoying this morning?