Chapter 639 His Words Were Way More Convincing

Paulina said, "Director Bleu, you don't have to do such a hypocritical thing. We just want to cooperate without worries and do our business well. No one hates money. But now you are involved in such a scandal. As business partners, we really feel uncomfortable."

Paulina's words were vague. She was intended to trample Eden underfoot. Her company couldn't be number one unless Eden was thrown out of the Alwynn Group.

And she couldn't win in the international competition unless Eden was driven out of the industry.

Eden looked at Paulina with a slight smile. "Miss Clark, you are the Design Director of the E.H Company, aren't you?"

"Yes!" Paulina answered proudly.

Eden's eyes flashed slightly, and her expression became indifferent. "I don't see your sincerity for cooperation. Instead, I think you are here to block everyone's way of earning money."

Paulina's pride on her face disappeared. "You can't say that..."