Chapter 647 My Dream Wife

Kenneth's handsome face darkened. He nodded slightly, "Fine." And then, his fingers began to tap on the keyboard at high speed.

Victor took out his phone and sent a message to Lucian.

"Done," Kenneth said.

Victor also received the message from Lucian, saying, "I've received it."

Victor looked through the records carefully. For more than a decade, Rebecca had been transferring money out.

The total amount was up to 200 million dollars.

If his father knew about this, he would definitely be pissed off, and his blood pressure would soar.

Victor glanced at Kenneth with a look of approval. "Kenny, you are really amazing. This is what I have been curious about for a long time. Now I finally figured it out. I feet all my tolerance of the grievances will pay off."

With the evidence, Rebecca would be kicked out soon.

Kenneth suddenly looked at him and asked, "Uncle Victor, have you suffered a lot before?"

He actually knew a few things about Victor.