Chapter 651 Self-introduction

Buddy took a deep breath and said, "Zofia, I know it was all my fault. I shouldn't have given up on you and the baby. Now, no matter how I explain it, it will be useless. But the only thing I can say is that I've always loved you."

"What right do you have to say that you love me?" Zofia's tone suddenly changed, and she looked at him coldly.

Buddy was suddenly choked and couldn't refute.

"Zofia, I'm sorry!" Buddy looked decadent. He knew that he had caused a lot of harm to Zofia before. It was justified for Zofia to be angry with him.

"Zofia, are you going back?" Suddenly, a man in a suit asked. He was wearing a pair of glasses, looking handsome, gentle, and bookish.

"Silas, you're off work." Zofia looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, I was just passing by here and came to see you." Silas gave a naive smile. He looked clean and tidy, making a very good impression on people.

Buddy looked at Silas and felt doubtful. Silas? Why did this name sound so familiar?