Chapter 653 How Do You Think You Can Control Me

Along the way, Buddy was talking non-stop. Zofia only responded every now and then, and most time she just nodded without saying anything.

"Zofia, are you off on Saturday?" Buddy asked.

Zofia said without looking at him, "I never really have days off."

Buddy felt a little sorry for her. If such a thing had not happened before, Zofia would not need to go through this. 

"Zofia, you don't have to work so hard in the future as you have me. I promise you that I won't do anything to hurt you anymore. My mom has already agreed to let us be together, so, Zofia, in the future, we will..."

"Who said that I want to be with you?" Zofia interrupted him angrily. The memory of Aisling and Haven humiliating her came across her mind. It hurt her so much every time she thought of it.

She didn't want to care about it, but she still would think of it every now and then. 

She knew Buddy was someone that she did not deserve at all, and that was why she was insulted like that.