Chapter 658 This Doesn\'t Suit Me

It was not until the early morning did Victor finally manage to fall asleep.

He always hated nighttime. 

Early next morning, the fashion show of Alwynn Group was about to start. 

Eden had been busy with this for the past few days.

There would be many of their cooperative partners come over as well, and many reporters had already gathered on the fifth floor of their company building. 

Eden left Victor in the parking lot and went straight to the fifth floor.

Many people were already in the venue and looking forward to this fashion show.

Eden looked at the luxurious stage in the distance. The entire fashion show would go live online as well.

In this high-tech era, Alwynn Group was always on top of the trend. 

Sales were no longer just focused on the traditional method. Doing business online had already become a normal thing.

In addition to managing the company, they also wanted to enhance the competitiveness of the entire supply chain.