Chapter 662 It Has Nothing To Do With Her

Eden smiled and said in a low voice, "You don't look worried at all. It seems that you don't take this thing seriously." However, she was so anxious and worried earlier.

Victor also smiled and said, "Silly girl, it's not a big deal. We will catch them soon. You just sit here and wait. I don't want you to go anywhere."

"Okay. As long as you are around, I feel like I really don't need to worry about anything." After saying this, she swallowed slightly. She had run up earlier and felt her throat was so dry.

"Can you pass me another glass of water? I need hot water." She asked Victor without even thinking.

Victor never wanted her to do anything at home anyway and he was always happy to do such things for her.

"Sure!" He picked up the glass and walked to the water dispenser.

He looked totally different when he was with Eden.  

Ingeborg stood on the side, watching everything in great shock.