Chapter 677 I\'m Ready For a Fight

Lucian was such a temperate and gentle person, plus his handsome face and intelligence, Eden wondered who could be the lucky girl that got him in the end. 

Victor looked to the side and saw her staring at the back of Lucian with her eyes lit up bright. He asked with some jealousy, "Eden, I'm not as good-looking as Lucian, am I?"

Eden slowly moved her eyes back. Seeing his jealous face, she suddenly wanted to tease him. "Are you not confident with yourself?"

Victor's eyes suddenly went dark, and he smiled proudly, "I have always been very confident. I am more charming than Lucian. He might look quieter than me, but he is very wild inside. I don't think any woman would like a man like that. They just love his money. I'm afraid he would be single forever." Victor could not care less about the friendship between them anymore.

Eden was surprised by his words. He looked so proud of himself right now, and a smile of victory was on his face.