Chapter 700 I Won\'t Let Him Off Easily

Phillip got up helplessly and looked at them with a tired expression. He really didn't know what to do. Perhaps he was really too old to convince them.

He said in a deep voice, "Whether you are willing or not, you must return the shares. Jotham Alwynn Group is getting worse and worse. If Graciella tells the media about this, the reputation of our company will be greatly affected. Think about the seriousness of the situation by yourselves."

Phillip walked to his room tiredly. Recently, he didn't live in the same room with Rebecca.

He didn't know why. After he met Jaida, he had no interest in Rebecca anymore, just like that he got tired of a woman after flirting with her for a few days when he was young. These days, he found that there was something wrong with Rebecca. She didn't treat him as well as before, and she didn't even want to be perfunctory.

"Bang..." The door was closed.