Chapter 702 The Ambitious Haven

Vincent opened the door and let her sit in. He started the car and said, "Haven, I will persuade my mother to give you the 2% of the shares, but you have to give me this shares."

Haven, who was fastening her seat belt, looked up at him incredulously when she heard Victor's words. "Vincent, have you even schemed against your mother?"

Vincent‘s smile was incomparably evil. "Haven, my mother has been in charge of everything for so long. She has been so careful. For so many years, Jotham Alwynn Group has been under my father's control. Although I have some real power, I need to get my father's approval for everything I do. You know that it feels bad, so..."

"So, do you want to take charge of Jotham Alwynn Group on your own?" Haven asked.

"Haha..." Vincent nodded with a smile. "Haven, we are a couple, and we are together. You must help me."

He had been pressed so hard by his father during this time. He hated this repressed feeling.