Chapter 725 Fallen Into His Trap Accidentally

Victor immediately explained, "Eden, you misunderstand me. I can prove to you that I only like you."

Eden looked at him with a face of suspicion, "Prove it to me? How do you want to prove it?"

Victor was helpless.

Hadn't he... made it clear that he would prove it?

She was indeed too naive.

Thinking of her depression just now, Victor stared at her and said cautiously, "Eden, If I can prove it to you, don't be angry anymore, okay?"

Eden was stunned and could not react for a moment. She looked at him with her big clear eyes in a daze and nodded unconsciously. She really wanted to know it. Otherwise, she would be depressed to death in the next few days.

Victor was surprised.

Was Eden really stupid or just pretending to be dumb? She hadn't figured it out though he had made it so clear.

Victor swallowed and stared at her, "Eden, promise me that you definitely can't be angry or ignore me, and I will prove it to you."