Chapter 732 I Am Their Birth Father

Mask knew he was screwed this time.

These things should not be talked about in school, but Sibyl was so spoiled that she didn't consider the consequences.

Sibyl insulted Giada just beacuse she was jealous of Giada's great grades.

And the consequences was, Mask's cooperation with Victor was basically out of play.

"That's enough!" Eden looked at Sibyl angrily, "Gia, dad and I will protect you. Don't be sad."

Eden held Gia in her arms. She did not expect her kids would be treated like this at school.

Her sweeties faced so many unfriendly doubts from their classmates but she didn't notice before.

"Mom, mom, I'm sorry. I won't let you worry about me anymore." Giada couldn't help but cried at this moment. She and her siblings had been scolding as wild kids when they were in the kindergarten. She wanted to ignore Sibyl's insult but she couldn't stand it anymore so she hit Sibyl.