Chapter 735 Was It You?

Eden looked at her sons and forced a smile. "Kenny, Ricky, why don't you take your sister to have lunch?"

Kenneth walked to her and ran into her arms. "Mom, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of Gia."

Eden lowered her head and gently patted his head, "Kenny, it's alright. It's not your fault."

Gia was a very straightforward person. She never pretended herself. This was much better than those who appeared to be good but talked behind backs.

"Now go and eat your lunch. Mom will pick you up after school today." Eden said in a low voice. Since the children came to school, she had not come to pick them up yet.

Kenneth looked up at her, then looked at Victor again, saying nothing.

"Mom, can you come with Dad?" Henrick said excitedly. Dad and Mom had never come together to pick him up. So he was very envious when he saw that others were picked up by their parents.

Eden glanced at Victor and did not say anything. She had a lot to ask Victor.

What did Kenny mean by asking this?