Chapter 738 Eden\'s Kids are Victor\'s

"If hate makes you miserable, then forgive me." He whispered in her ear.

Eden raised her head slightly with her tears falling. She asked, "How?"

Victor gently wiped away the tears on her face, "What’s your idea?"

Eden choked with sobs, "Beat you!"

Victor smiled and said, "Beat me. Beat me until you cool down."

Just then, Eden clenched her fists and beat Victor hard a few times.

Victor didn't move, just letting her hit him.

Eden hit him a few times and stopped. She pouted her lips and looked at him, "Don't disappoint me again."

Hearing her words, Victor's dark eyes suddenly lit up, "I won’t! I promise! From now on I am your servant and I’ll do whatever you want me to."

Eden glared at him, "No, you’re the president."

Victor grinned and said, "I’m your unshared servant."

Eden broke into laughter, "You’re honey-tongued today."

Victor was such a proud person. But now he dropped his pride.

Victor beamed, "You are my honey."

Eden said, "You’re asking for the snub."