Chapter 745 Let Me See The Children

Phillip was shocked. He looked at him in disbelief, "Do you think she will really do anything malicious?" He was not quite confident when he said this.

Victor's eyes were grim and extremely sarcastic as he looked at Phillip, "Only you treat her as a treasure. In my eyes, she is a beast. Anson had a car accident. Don't you know that he was driving my car at that time? If I was the one who drove the car that day, the person lying in the hospital would be me."

"Victor, you can't speak without evidence." Although he had heard Rebecca talking on the phone with his own ears, he really couldn't believe that Rebecca, who had been with him for more than 20 years, was so horrible and despicable.

Victor said mockingly, "You have never believed me, and I don't expect you to trust me. Leave here. My children have nothing to do with you. You have your own son and daughter. Since you want grandchildren, let them give birth to babies for you." Victor had been very disappointed in his father.