Chapter 747 Didn\'t Want To Witness Public Display Affection

Anson smiled meaningfully and said, "Mrs. Alwynn, I was not very lucky, because I was injured. I have stayed in the hospital for a few days, haven't I? I don't know what happened to Mr. Alwynn's car. There's always something wrong with his car. It seems that I have to check it out thoroughly when I go back."

Rebecca's face stiffened for a moment, but she immediately returned to normal and said with a smile, "Anson, why don't you go back after having dinner with us? Adalynn has been worrying about you. She doesn't feel well these days, because she has been concerned about you."

Anson glanced at Adalynn. Her face was clearly ruddy!

She might be living comfortably everyday. How could she worry about him?

He smiled, "Miss Alwynn, I'm sorry to let you worry about me."

Then he looked at Rebecca, "Madam, thanks for your kindness, but my mother asked me to take Abby home for dinner this evening, so I can't accompany you for dinner."

Hearing this, Rebecca took a sharp look at Abigail.