Chapter 749 Who Asked You To Come Here?

Abigail replied, "Okay!"

In any case, from all aspects, she did not hate Anson.

Graciella was right. In fact, this man was not bad. He was much more considerate and warmer than Joziah.

Anson said, "Alright, Abby, I'll definitely pick you up on time."

After Anson sent the message, he couldn't believe that it was real. Abby was not angry with him anymore, and she even promised to let him pick her up, which was simply wonderful.

For Abby, this was an extremely difficult decision.

Anson glanced at Adonis who was driving, raised his eyebrows and smiled smugly, "Adonis, I feel that I'll have a girlfriend very soon."

Adonis moved his lips. He could only admit defeat and make no complaint.

"Alas! Actually, I am quite envious of you. I've been hiding something from you. In fact, I dated with someone a few days ago." After Adonis said this, he glanced at him with innocent eyes, as if his heart had been hurt.

Anson looked at him and asked anxiously, "Who is her? Do I know her?"