Chapter 752 The Reason

It was the first time that Aisling had heard this. She opened her mouth wide in surprise and looked at Zofia who was crying in disbelief.

At this moment, she realized that her words had given Zofia a fatal blow. She was so ruthless that she didn't even want her grandson. She insulted Zofia so cruelly.

However, her daughter had risked her life to save a stranger. In comparison, her evil and vicious nature was instantly revealed.

"I'm sorry, Zofia. I didn't know that I would hurt you so badly." Aisling shed tears. At that time, she just wanted Zofia to leave Buddy, so she could do anything to achieve her goal.

But she didn't expect that she almost killed two people.

"Woo-woo..." Zofia could not suppress her sorrow anymore and cried out. She remembered every word Aisling had said to her, and she always thought that she would not forgive her.

But after hearing her apology, her heart actually softened.