Chapter 756 Call Him Dad For The First Time

Boris took a look at Giada. Although she was a bit annoyed, he could understand when she taught her.

"Mom, I want Gia to teach me. She can teach me well, but I can't understand what you said. Mom, you would only point at me and say that I'm stupid. You always blame for not being able to spell the word correctly. In fact, I could spell it, but I forgot it when you spoke so loudly. Moreover, I wouldn't know what to write."

Graciella couldn't believe what she had heard. She looked at Boris helplessly and sadly and asked weakly, "Do I speak the foreign language when I speak to you? Besides, you can understand the foreign language. Why can't you understand what I taught you? No matter what, I graduated from a famous university and I have studied abroad for many years."

Boris did not speak. He got up and looked at Giada, "Gia, just teach me math. I'll do the other homework by myself."

Giada's face was filled with helplessness as she looked at the adults in the room!