Chapter 758 Marry Abigail Quickly

Victor turned around and left in anger.

"Ha-ha..." Abigail grinned wickedly, "Eden, do you think he'll lose sleep because of annoyance tonight?"

Eden narrowed her eyes slightly, "Perhaps!"

Abigail suddenly looked at her with intense gaze, "Eden, are you reluctant to part with him?"

Eden nodded with a smile before she said, "But I want to stay with you more."

Hearing this, Abigail smiled happily, "You are indeed my best friend! Eden, let me tell you what happened today. Analyze it for me."

Eden looked at her curiously, "Okay, Abby, tell me. Let's analyze Anson's mind together."

Eden was very happy to see that Abby was concerned about her relationship.

Everyone hoped to get others' appreciation, praise, encouragement. This was people's desire, as well as the weakness of human nature.

She and Abby were the same. Not every flower represented love, but she hoped that Anson could be Abby's true love.

They lay on the bed and whispered to each other.

A good friend must be useful!