Chapter 767 Who Do You Think You Are?

Eden thought that her words were so ridiculous.

She looked at Myra and smiled somewhat bitterly, "Myra, I really don't want to scold you. Now we are even. Let's live our own lives. In the future, don't appear in front of me again and let me think of what you've done to me."

"Ha-ha..." Myra smiled, "Cyan, you shameless, despicable and treacherous b*tch! You don't want to scold me, but I want to scold you!"

Eden looked at Myra's crazy face and shook her head slightly, "That's right. You will never be polite and moral unless you're reborn." Myra could never change her temperament in this life.

"Myra, originally, I didn't want to say it. But now, I feel that I'll be sorry for myself if I don't scold you. You don't know how shameless you are, but I know. When you were in college, you keep your relationships with three boys at the same time. I even saw you guys being together. You said that I was shameless. Why don't you reflect on yourself?"