Chapter 777 Where\'s the evidence?

Delmont asked suspiciously, "That's it? Is there nothing we can do about such a vicious woman."

Victor glanced at him, "Shut up. Don't alert the enemy."

Delmont quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Victor walked straight to the elevator.

And Delmont asked curiously, "Victor, where are we going now?"

Victor said, "You go home first. I'm going to the hospital. Remember to keep your word! You can't talk to anyone about what happened tonight."

Victor looked at him seriously and knew Delmont was a kind but simple-minded person who would unknowingly be lured out of secrets by others.

Delmont nodded heavily. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

Victor also nodded. Then, they walked away separately.

Victor sent the recording to Lucian.

Lucian quickly made a phone call and said, "These few words prove nothing. We can't let Anson suffer such serious injuries in vain."