Chapter 779 He couldn\'t give her a happy life anymore.

Buddy said, "Grandma, don't worry about this matter. It's already at 3 am, so you should go rest to keep healthy now."

Grandma Clement stood up with stooped crutches and looked tired. "It's time for all of you to go to bed. Tomorrow you should go to the hospital to see Anson. You have a good relationship with him, so go and talk to him more. He can't bear it by himself when he meets something like this."

Buddy nodded, "Grandma, I will go."

"Alright." Only then did grandma Clement go to bed with peace of mind.

After Delmont returned to her room, Buddy asked, "Mom, where is Haven? Didn't she come back tonight?"

Aisling shook her head slightly, "I don't know."

She wanted to kill those women when she thought of how her daughter was being bullied.

Buddy looked at the message Victor had sent him earlier and was confused.

He investigated the woman named Ramsey. Her family were gluttonous and lazy, living on the secret help of others. She also had a son in college.