Chapter 795 They Hate And Plot Against Each Other

Victor said, "It's useless for you to ask Haven to come here. Haven and Vincent are not really in love with each other. Haven married Vincent for money."

Lucian said, "People live in this world for money and love. Although Haven can't win Vincent's heart, she has got married with Vincent, and she will cast greedy eyes on his money. Don't underestimate her ambition. I don't like her since I was a child."

Victor glanced sideways at him, "Why?"

Lucian said, "Because she is too scheming."

Victor said, "You're right. However, I asked Brian to investigate what had happened to Zofia and found out that Haven doesn't seem to be an orphan. She has her uncle and aunt, but they're greedy and rely on Haven's money to live these years. I haven't told Buddy about this matter. I'm afraid that he can't bear such a blow. After all, Haven grew up in the Clement family, and the Clement family really treats her well."