Chapter 810 Why Didn\'t You Discuss It With Me?

Aisling nodded and said, "Mom, I see. After Haven marries into the Alwynn family, I will give the shares to her."

"Mom, why do you want to give the shares to Haven?" Buddy, who suddenly came down from the second floor, said somewhat unpleasantly.

Seeing him, Grandma Clement said with a smile, "Buddy, haven't you gone to work yet?"

Buddy smiled blandly and looked extremely handsome, "Grandma, I'm going to pick up Zofia for the prenatal examination. Then I'll go to the company."

Hearing this, Grandma Clement was extremely excited, "Buddy, have you made an appointment with the hospital?"

Buddy nodded, "Grandma, I've arranged everything. You can rest assured."

He had arranged a very nice hospital for Zofia, and later they could go there directly.

In the past, Zofia had to queue up for the prenatal examination and wait for a long time to do B scan ultrasonography. At this time, he was with her, so he naturally wouldn't let her suffer so much.