Chapter 812 His Words Were Quite Meaningful

"Mm! Since this matter has been solved, I will go out to work." Eden got up. There should be no one scolding her children online anymore.

Seeing that she was in such a hurry to leave, Victor stopped her immediately, "Eden, don't go. Accompany me for a while." There was a trace of affection and reluctance in his tone.

Eden looked down at him and smiled, "Are you acting like a spoiled child now?"

He was so cute in this way.

Victor smiled and nodded, "Eden, I only act like a spoiled child in front of you."

"Ha-ha..." Eden couldn't help but laugh, "Look at you. You're like a child. If I don't leave now, I'll have to work overtime at night. Do you want to sleep alone tonight?"

Hearing this, Victor let go of her hand quickly.

"Eden, we should go to work and get off work together."

Eden smiled and boasted, "It seems that I am so charming every day."