Chapter 815 How Dare You?

"You... you're slandering me." Mr. King jumped up at once. He knew clearly that Vincent just wanted to entangle him in the trouble.   

It was they who had caused the trouble, but now they wanted to pass the buck. He would not let them succeed.

Victor, with detached eyes, looked at them blaming each other. His eyes were darker and colder than ever before as if the souls would be stuck in them.

"Mr. Alwynn, they three planned all the things, and it has nothing to do with me. They called me here today to confirm the truth." Mr. King changed his previous frivolous look and became serious.

He, in the business circle, also had experienced a lot. Now, these three reckless people wanted him to take the blame. How could it be possible?

Victor stood with his hands folded and looked at him, "Mr. King, I have investigated this thoroughly. It indeed had nothing to do with you. You can leave now."

Mr. King was astonished. When did Victor become so easy-going?