Chapter 841 Eden Is Very Vigilant

Hearing his specific answer, Rebecca nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll give you another day to give full play to your ability. If Jotham Alwynn Group develops well, you will have a very good future."

Justin understood this and nodded with a smile, "Mrs. Alwynn, I'll definitely give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow."

"Mm! You can leave now. If you get any news, report it to me immediately. Don't delay it." Rebecca said with a stern look.

Justin turned around and left.

Rebecca sat down in her seat, looked at the cactus on the desk and said with a chuclke, "Vin, do you know what people are interested in the most?"

Vincent laughed and said, "Mom, they are interested in how to make more money the most."

He turned around, made two cups of coffee and put one of them in front of Rebecca. Then he took a sip before saying with a smile, "Mom, you always know the answer. Why do you suddenly ask me?"