Chapter 845 Did You Quarrel?

Hearing this, Amelia felt that they loved each other and never quarreled.

She was really curious to know what love was.

Would the person she loved definitely love her?

"Director Bleu, what on earth is love?" She couldn't help asking with a flash of curiosity in her eyes.

Victor was simply a perfect man. He spoiled Eden so much that Eden looked so happy everyday. A woman's smile could show whether she was living in love or not.

Eden thought for a while. In fact, before she met Victor, she didn't know what love was. But after she met Victor, she seemed to know everything about love without her master.

"Amelia, love is very magical. It can bring us happiness and a lot of troubles at the same time. Love can't always be beautiful, because there are many trivial matters in our life. However, as long as you love him wholeheartedly, learn to content yourself and understand him, you will live a happy life and feel each other's love."